As the party tries to sleep, it becomes clear to them that Ariel’s attempt to cleanse The Spear has not worked. After Thorstag and the crew are woken up by the commotion, he levels with them that they need to talk to the crew about what is going on. The party meets with members of the crew to make it clear that the issues that have been happening since they boarded will leave with the party once they land in Riven later that day.
This episode is brought to you by Gabe and Jeff, over at Inter-Party Conflict, Fred on Fyre, Evora Dawn, MotoGhoul, and Polka Dancer. If you'd like to join them in supporting the show, consider joining our Patreon.
Damian - The DM
Chris - Rem
Christa -Ariel
Chantalle -Kenina
Caitlin -Tempest
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This week we are shouting out Better Podcasting, a show about helping hobby podcasters make the best show possible. They have a focus on the hobbyist and independent podcaster, not someone who is in it for the money.
If you'd like to know more about the music featured on the show, check out our Music Page.
Fimbulwinter – Vindsvept (Intro)
Tavern Loop 1 – Serpent Sound Studios (1:11)
Ocean Waves Ambience –Fusehive (1:40)
Sea or Ocean Waves –Fusehive (1:42)
Adventure Cello –Monument Studios (2:22)
Crowded Tavern – Michael Ghelfi (2:59)
Nightfall – Dark Fantasy Studio (7:55)
Dread – Dark Fantasy Studio (9:33)
Nightfall – Dark Fantasy Studio (16:10)
Unknown Terrain – AndySV (19:20)
Home – Dark Fantasy Studio (22:51)
Action Cinematic Beat #15– AndySV (29:38)
Medieval City – Michael Ghelfi (30:51)
On the Shore – Incompetech (31:14)
Scary Horror Ambience #6– AndySV (32:09)
Ossuary 1 – Beginning –Incompetech (35:25)
Secret Place – Joel Steudler (38:15)
Steampunk Submarine –Michael Ghelfi (39:56)
Hidden Realm – Joel Steudler (42:44)
Dreams Become Real –Incomepetch (43:47)
Untold Stories – Serpent Sound Studios (52:12)
Steampunk Engine Room –Michael Ghelfi (52:19)
Sea or Ocean Waves –Fusehive (52:26)
Steampunk Submarine –Michael Ghelfi (52:52)
Steampunk Engine Room –Michael Ghelfi (52:52)
Earnest – Incompetech (53:05)
Wind – Monument Studios (57:19)
Untold Stories – Serpent Sound Studios (57:23)
Sea or Ocean Waves –Fusehive (57:25)
Undertow – Scott Buckley(1:02:27)
Pieces of a Memory –Vindsvept (1:03:41)
Docks District – Tabletop Audio (1:03:44)
Horse Carriage A –Monument Studios (1:09:48)
Last Stand – Vindsvept (Outro)