EE-3-11 - Through A One Way Door

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Podchaser - Adventures In Erylia


After what has felt like years, though has really only been a few weeks, our adventurers have finally returned to the city of Riven. After saying their goodbyes to Thorstag and the crew of the Iron Cask, they make their way to The Guild Hall to meet with the Guild Masters to debrief them on the situation with Grimfang and The Spear, as well as see what they have learned about The Axe. The party, including Tempest, are given one last chance to turn away before entering a one way door into a saga that will change the course of their lives, and perhaps all of Erylia.  


This episode is brought to you by Gabe and Jeff, over at Inter-Party Conflict, Fred on Fyre, Evora Dawn, and MotoGhoul. If you'd like to join them in supporting the show, consider joining our Patreon.


Damian - The DM

Chris - Rem

Christa - Ariel

Chantalle - Kenina

Caitlin - Tempest


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GonnaGeek Network

Adventures in Erylia a part of the GonnaGeek Network of shows. You can find us and many other geeky shows over on

This week we are shouting out Smoking and Drinking in Space, a sci-fi podcast from a couple of guys who think they know sci-fi and their sister show Smoking and Drinking in Capes, a super hero podcast from a couple of guys who wish they had powers.


If you'd like to know more about the music featured on the show, check out our Music Page.

Fimbulwinter – Vindsvept (Intro)

Tavern Loop – Serpent Sound Studios (1:19)

Pieces of a Memory – Vindsvept (1:44)

Docks District – Tabletop Audio (1:45)

Medieval City – Michael Ghelfi (2:44)

The Long Way Home – Scott Buckley (2:53)

Tunnel Rats – Joel Steudler (4:00)

The Long Way Home – Scott Buckley (4:51)

Temple of Knowledge – Michael Ghelfi (5:27)

Age of Wonder – Scott Buckley (5:27)

Chasm Ruins – Cyberleaf Studio (6:35)

Medieval City – Michael Ghelfi (7:58)

The Long Way Home – Scott Buckley (7:58)

Stables (Ambience Only) – Tabletop Audio (8:08)

Temple of Knowledge – Michael Ghelfi (9:11)

Chasm Ruins – Cyberleaf Studio (9:16)

The Long Way Home – Scott Buckley (10:30)

Chasm Ruins – Cyberleaf Studios (10:48)

Ambient Room – Monument Studios (11:48)

Background Strings C – Monument Studios (11:50)

The Void (No Bass) – Monument Studios (11:53)

Darker Atmos – Monument Studios (15:12)

The Void (No Bass) – Monument Studios (20:24)

Passive Synths B – Monument Studios (23:12)

Struggling Light B – Monument Studios (23:37)

Mage College – Epic Stock Media (27:20)

Knightfall B – Monument Studios (28:20)

Through The Fog – Vindsvept (32:52)

Chasing Dragons – Audio Panda (34:25)

Through The Fog – Vindsvept (35:54)

Hidden Grove – Monument Studios (43:37)

Silence of Hell (v2) – Alec Weesner (44:29)

Emotional Atmos – Monument Studios (45:42)

Last Stand – Vindsvept (Outro)