Better Podcasting is the first podcast I started listening to after starting Adventures in Erylia. Honestly, I wish I had known about them and started listening to them sooner. Listening to them, and talking with Stephen and Stargate Pioneer on Twitter and Reddit was a lot of the inspiration behind the decision to buy better gear and ultimately relaunch our show. They cover podcasting from the perspective of people who do this as a hobby and a passion instead of in pursuit of money. They go out of their way to try to talk about podcasting and give advice for all aspects of podcasting that any one can follow as long as they are willing to invest some time and a little bit of money into their shows. Their yearly gear episodes give an example of the way they have grown their equipment over time in order to highlight that you don't have to start with thousands of dollars in gear to start your hobby podcast. I took their gear episodes as the inspiration for the gear section in our About page including our historic gear and when we used it. The connections I've made since I started listening to Better Podcasting is what led to us joining the GonnaGeek Network, which that are a part of.