DMs of Vancouver is a show hosted by two semi-newish DMs who have discussions with each other and their guests to learn more about the art of DMing. Sean and Jessy are a great couple of guys who have brought in a diverse group of guests throughout the course of their show, covering a wide range of categories, so there is something there for any aspiring DM to learn from.Whether you are looking for tips and tricks on world building, looking to learn about and explore new systems, or need help with how to handle being in charge of a game, there is an episode for you.
Their show is a member of the Cave Goblin Network, who Caitlin and I originally got in contact with at Podcon 2019. Since then we have grown close to their network as a whole. Aside from me really enjoying DMs of Vancouver, you can also find us in chat during the livestream of another show on the network, Everyone is Jonas, or playing alongside Sean (and Jessy if he can make it) during their party night streams on Thursdays.